The journal article provides extended research performed by a team of professional who analyzed the amount of pro-eating disorder content available to the public through social media. To determine which sites were providing pro-eating disorder information, the research team coordinated a systematic content analysis of 180 active websites, observing and recording site logistics, site accessories,  or any “thinspiration” material such as images or any text encouraging weight loss. Also analyzing tips and tricks, recover, themes or anything that could be perceived as harm. In result to the teams experimentation, they were able to determine a statistical conclusion of the results recovered. Some of the determined results are that 91% of these websites were open to the public, 79% included interactive features, 84% provided pro-anorexia content and 64% contained pro-bulimia content. Therefore, there are a lot of harmful websites available to young women. This statistical research should be noted and brought to the attention of these young women to teach them provide add awareness to help decrease potential eating disorder problems. A social media topic of interest, thinspiration, was displayed on 85% of these pro-eating disorder sites. Even more alarming news is that 83% of the sites provide suggestions on how one should engage in eating disorder behaviors. This is a large percentage of site that motivate these young women to continue having an eating disorder and that it is perfectly fine to have these unhealthy eating habits. Sites like these tell girls it is okay to engage in such terrible behavior and can have a large effect on a young girl’s mind. The content found in this research will provide a statistical aspect of my research paper, proving that social media does cause harm to young women and does aid in rise in eating disorders.

Borzekowski, Dina L. G.; Schenk, Summer; Wilson, Jenny L.; Peebles, Rebecka. “e-Ana and e-Mia: A Content Analysis of Pro-Eating Disorder Web Sites.” Am J Public Health. 2010 August; 100(8): 1526–1534. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2901299/#__ffn_sectitle

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